Improving the chances of young people with disabilities to integrate into the labor market by imparting skills for the new world of work and professional training from academic institutions.
The Need:
Each year, about 3,500 young people with disabilities complete their studies without a high school diploma or professional certification and find it difficult to integrate into the workforce and society. Without proper preparation, assistance and support from their families, many remain unemployed or take low-quality jobs.
There are a number of programs in Israel that provide soft skills training and practical work experience. Although technological education is a significant tool for improving employment prospects, students with disabilities often do not meet the requirements for admission because they have not graduated from high school.
Target Population:
Young people with disabilities who are eligible for special education and benefits
A three-year job-training program run by colleges across the country. Young people are offered a wide range of courses for developing occupational skills, and graduates receive a professional certificate. The curriculum includes workshops on independent living and functioning in a work environment, on-the-job training twice a week, private sessions with occupational and psychological therapists, core courses, choosing a major, and learning with parental guidance.