
Shaping the Social Future of Israel

The Joint (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) is the largest Jewish humanitarian organization in the world. Our goal in Israel is to promote quality of life and equal opportunity and to narrow socioeconomic gaps in Israeli society.

Partnership is in Our Name

We are Israel's center for social R&D, working in strategic cooperation with the government, municipalities and local authorities, the non-profit and business sectors, and other partners.

Since 1914

The Joint operates in 70 countries, providing a safety net for Jews in distress, strengthening and building Jewish communities, and supplying relief and rescue in times of crisis and disaster.

Israel's Social Challenges

Success Stories

The personal story and success of every program participant is a whole world in itself. We invite you to get to know the people behind the numbers.

Voices of The Joint


Between Screen and Reality: Virtual Communities and Digital Spaces in the Service of Social Programs

August 14, 2023

Digital in the Social Service | By Roni Sapir

July 2, 2023

Let’s get personal – some surprising takeaways on personalization | By Sophie Taub-K

June 7, 2022

For a Better Future: The Hebrew Language as a Bridge Between Population Groups and a Tool for Promoting Employment and Social Mobility.

March 10, 2022

How to Leverage the Opportunities Created by Technology Into a Competitive Advantage for the Company | Inbal Fisch

September 5, 2021

Growing Together: Job-Hopping within Your Organization | By Daniel Kerenji

May 6, 2021

Setting the Standard for Remote Work | By Daniella Jawno

April 28, 2021

Now Is the Time: The Power of One Visit a Week | By Maggie Gad

April 11, 2021

Women and Aging: A Reinvention of Identity | By Naomi Keren

One Comment | March 10, 2021

On Bees, Lawyers, and Values | Efrat Lupo-Moskovitch

March 4, 2021
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