
meshiv haroach

The Grove of the Fallen in memory of the martyrs of City Ashkelon

After Tu BeShvat and in the shadows of the Iron Swords War, the Grove of the Fallen in memory of the martyrs of City Ashkelon was inagurated. We are excited to take part in the establishment of the grove, the fruit of a collaborative initiative between Ashkelon municipality and the organization.

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Innovative digital tool for assessing the level of stress and anxiety in the population after the events of October 7th

A digital and professional questionnaire drafted by the professionals of the Ministry of Labor and Social Services will aid in the self-diagnosis of distress, stress, and anxiety. At the end of the questionnaire, the participants will receive recommendations for therapy and assistance.

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mobile book based theatre

A collaboration of The Joint, the National Library, and the Ministry of Education to operate a special activity mobile unit for evacuated children

The National Library, in collaboration with the Joint Organization and the Ministry of Education, has started to operate a special activity mobile unit that grants free books, a theater play, and activities for the evacuated children from the settlements of the envelope and the northern border.

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The board members of The Joint, together with the board members of the organization in Israel, met with the president and his wife

The board members came from around the United States as part of a solidarity delegation.

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azrieli mall

Collaboration between the Joint and Azrieli malls: A public appeal for business owners whose shops shut down near the border

These days, when businesses in the south and the north are collapsing due to the war, Azrieli Malls and the Joint Organization are giving small businesses that were hurt or shut down following the war from the south and from the north an opportunity to continue working, growing, and developing and are being hosted in Azrieli malls around the country.

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JDC to Deliver Jewish New Year Food Packages, Including Apples and Honey, to Thousands of the Neediest Jews in Ukraine

JDC to Deliver Jewish New Year Food Packages, Including Apples and Honey, to Thousands of the Neediest Jews in Ukraine

New holiday supplement from JDC focuses on critical Jewish needs, urging the Jewish public to discuss their responsibility to their fellow Jews, Israel’s most vulnerable, and wider world. Jewish humanitarian organization holds hundreds of Rosh Hashanah events in Ukraine, across the former Soviet Union, and around the globe

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The annual conference of the ‘Worth Development’ program

The annual conference of the project "Shava Pituach" was held last month. Over 120 senior executives from the business world and the largest companies in the economy, along with many others, attended the conference to hear and discuss the business opportunities in development, emphasizing comprehensive design, products, and services for people with disabilities.

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Image by upklyak on Freepik

A Social Divide? Not Here! How Neighbors Day Brings Us Closer Together / Op-ed by Uri Carmel

At the end of May (30.5.23), residents around the country will celebrate the international "Neighbors' Day."

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Connecting Israeli startups with the needs of developing countries

Last Thursday marked a momentous occasion as we celebrated the Wrap-Up of the 2022 Innovation Journey program, in partnership with the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry.  The aim of the program is to encourage and support Israeli ag-tech businesses to operate in emerging markets.

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In celebration of Israel’s 75th independence day

10 small-big facts about JDC relationship with Israel

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Our Advantages

  • Decades of experience in initiating social change on the national level
  • Expertise in promoting strategic collaboration with the Government of Israel, municipalities and local authorities, the non-profit and business sectors, and philanthropists
  • Ability to develop sustainable social solutions based on professional research and analysis
  • Extensive global activity in 70 countries with hundreds of local and international partners

Strategic Partnerships

Government of Israel

Government of Israel

Since the establishment of the state, the Joint has maintained a strategic partnership with the Israeli government to address the needs of Israeli society. This cooperation helps develop solutions for the most pressing national challenges and strengthens public and social services in Israel.

Business Partners

Business Partners

The business sector is an important player in creating social change. Its collaboration with the Joint leverages both impact investing and the financial return of businesses in order to generate social capital.

Philanthropic Partners

Philanthropic Partners

The partnership between the Joint and philanthropists develops impact investment to promote social change across Israel. This facilitates connectivity and networking among philanthropists from Israel and abroad.

Municipalities and Local Authorities

Municipalities and Local Authorities

The Joint’s partnership with municipalities and local authorities caters to the needs and development of various regions and their communities.

Civil Society

Civil Society

The Joint's plan of action weaves community organizations into the fabric of its social solutions. This partnership reflects the growing role these groups play in drawing the map of public and social services today.

International Organizations

International Organizations

The Joint is the largest Jewish humanitarian organization in the world, operating in 70 countries. Its activities cultivate ties among international organizations, yielding social capital worldwide.

Join Us!

Taly Amir, Director of Israeli Philanthropy and Corporations

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