Between Screen and Reality: Virtual Communities and Digital Spaces in the Service of Social Programs
When I recently encountered an issue that intrigued me – the way organizations effectively share knowledge – I did what I always do: I went on Facebook to look for communities that can shed some light on the issue. From the moment I typed a few combinations of words on my laptop – I discovered […]

Digital in the Social Service | By Roni Sapir
ChatGPT was launched in November 2022, and three months later, it had more than 100 million active users In the past, the term AI was known only to aficionados, but lately, it seems inescapable. AI, or artificial intelligence, is, put simply, the attempt to embed human thinking capabilities in technological devices. Recently, the breakthroughs are […]

Let’s get personal – some surprising takeaways on personalization | By Sophie Taub-K
This year’s Digital Leaders Community annual Conference – Let’s get personal! – focused on personalization in the public sector. So perhaps it isn’t surprising that every participant had their own personal takeaways. After a few weeks have passed, and the dazzle, daze and excitement (of meeting in person!) have settled down, we’ve had the opportunity […]

For a Better Future: The Hebrew Language as a Bridge Between Population Groups and a Tool for Promoting Employment and Social Mobility.
The Hebrew+ program, initiated by the Labor Employment Administration and Joint Tevet, promotes the integration of the Arab community into the labor market, by lifting the language barrier and encouraging healthy communication as a tool for a more diverse employment space. Mastery of the Hebrew language is one of the basic conditions for optimal integration […]

How to Leverage the Opportunities Created by Technology Into a Competitive Advantage for the Company | Inbal Fisch
“The workers that we need are people with logical reasoning abilities, who are able to read the manufacturer’s literature, to understand it, to analyze the problem, and to draw conclusions. The kind who want to learn on their own and develop.” This was what the Human Resources Manager of a vehicle importer said to me, […]

Growing Together: Job-Hopping within Your Organization | By Daniel Kerenji
For starters, a disclaimer: About two years ago, I made a significant career change within the Joint. From the position of Assistant Director General and Knowledge Development Manager at Joint-Ashalim (a division that focuses on socio-economic mobility), I moved to the post of Data Analyst. Effectively, I reskilled and upskilled at the same time. Reinvent […]

Setting the Standard for Remote Work | By Daniella Jawno
Much has been said about the changes in the workaday world brought on by technology and the “work-life balance” between one’s career and personal life. The discussion has taken on a new dimension over the past year during the coronavirus pandemic with the advent of working from home (WFH). The world transitioned virtually overnight to […]

Now Is the Time: The Power of One Visit a Week | By Maggie Gad
At the end of 2020, there were about 174,500 Holocaust survivors living in Israel with an average age of 85. Some 50 percent of them report experiencing loneliness. Most suffer from significant physical, cognitive and emotional decline which also affects their ability to function socially. A new study by the National Initiative for Alleviating Loneliness […]

Women and Aging: A Reinvention of Identity | By Naomi Keren
I recently organized a conference for Joint-Eshel entitled “Older Women – Forging New Paths,” which focused on the crossroads between femininity and aging. The event was held in partnership with the “Women and their Bodies” (WTB) organization and the Migdal insurance company. I have found growing interest in this subject in light of International Women’s […]

On Bees, Lawyers, and Values | Efrat Lupo-Moskovitch
When we applied for the Accelerator Program sponsored by Hackaveret (Israel’s social innovation hub), we didn’t really know what to expect. Hackaveret is Hebrew for “beehive” and is also a play on words on “hack.” It was founded by the Joint and the National Insurance Funds. Fresh Start (Daf Hadash), our new non-profit, was just […]