To establish a young leadership team of people with and without disabilities who want to serve the public and change attitudes in their communities
The Need:
Civil service is a leadership and career goal for many young people with disabilities. Some 3,320 employees with disabilities are employed in the public sector, constituting 4.2% of all civil servants, but this falls short of the 5% target set by the government which is seeking to increase workplace diversity. The percentage decreases in more senior positions.
In the age of social media, the State of Israel lacks a young generation of activists and community organizers with disabilities who can integrate and fill key positions in the public sector—at the local, regional and national levels. Enter the Joint’s LocalLink program, which will prepare young people for careers and leadership roles in the civil service.
Target Population:
Young people with and without disabilities aged 18-35 with work or volunteer experience in the areas of diversity and inclusion
Forming three groups of potential young leaders with and without disabilities from across the country who seek to enter the civil service. The program will assist and accompany them in all stages of the process: from application, to recruitment to finally landing a job.