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“Supported Housing” program – Animated explanatory video
An animated video explaining the essence of the “Supported Housing” program – in which people with disabilities go to independent housing in the community and receive the support required to develop an independent life in their own home Partners: The Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs

What to Know about Video Meetings? Training for People with Disabilities
A five-minute tutorial on remote video meetings: How to prepare, what to wear, technical difficulties that may occur, and all things Zoom!

Mapping the Needs of People With Asperger Syndrome
A study focusing on the needs of those with high-functioning autism and Asperger syndrome. The survey set out to examine the functional, social, and personal attributes of this group Partners: Ministry of Labor, Social Services and Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, National Insurance Institute, Ruderman Family Foundation, Asperger–Israel Association (Effie)