
Joint Legal Service Wins ‘Pillars of Excellence’ Award

ACCESS TO JUSTICE for people with disabilities

We are pleased to announce that the Accessible Legal Services for People with Disabilities project won an award for best “Partnership and Collaboration.” The prize was bestowed by the Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies (NJHSA), an association which provides welfare services to Jewish communities in the United States, Canada and Israel. The project is an initiative of the Joint, the Ministry of Justice and Israel Elwyn.

The program is based on Article 13 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities known as “Access to Justice.” It offers intensive training for lawyers from the State Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, the Legal Aid Department, the Administrator General and other units within the Ministry of Justice. The project helps improve efficiency among these departments by creating a common strategy and imparting information on how people with disabilities are protected by the justice system.

“The work plan, collaboration and innovation exhibited by the program are truly remarkable,” said an NJHSA statement announcing the winner. “The awards committee was amazed to discover the outstanding work taking place during the pandemic.”

Efrat Stern, Director General of Joint-Israel Unlimited, said it’s a milestone. “This in-depth training is a turning point in the struggle for equal rights for people with disabilities.”

“The Ministry of Justice is proud to lead this groundbreaking, innovative and exceptional program,” added Idan Ilan, Director of the Projects Department at the Justice Ministry. “It helps ensure access to justice for people with disabilities.”

Dr. Michal Wilf of Israel Elwyn said it is vital for “people with disabilities to have access to legal representation and exercise their rights. We are proud to be a part of this important project and to be recognized for our work.”

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