Leading the digital revolution together with Israel’s public sector in a bid to provide the best social services.
The Challenge
The country is undergoing a digital revolution affecting all areas of life. Israel's public sector has also taken far-reaching steps in recent years to adapt its services to the new era. Joint Elka’s role in the field of digitalization is to be a platform for leading and assimilating digital change and its acceleration, while caring for the vulnerable populations in Israeli society, both by adapting digital services for them and strengthening their digital capabilities.
Our Response
Joint Elka's digitalization responses, carried out with our partners in government ministries, local authorities and the NGO sector, focus on the more efficient functioning of the systems, on investment in human capital in the systems and on encouraging an organizational culture that supports innovation. We see the technological leap as an opportunity to redesign social services in a way that is efficient, beneficial and adapted to the needs of vulnerable populations in Israel.
Did you know?
A survey conducted at the beginning of the Corona pandemic which examining the digital capabilities of Israel's local authorities, found that only 25% were equipped to work remotely! All others have only medium or low capability.

MAP - The unique intervention model for Digitalization
Mindset - Changing perceptions, ways of thinking and attitudes
Promoting digitization in public services through the training of human capital and building a deep understanding of the processes and perceptions at its core, including transparency, customer-centrality, data-based work, cultural adaptation etc.
Ability - Building capabilities for systemic change, at the level of the individual and the organization
Building the required skills and competencies to promote digital transformation and to manage digital projects in the public-social field through training programs and supporting organizations. The “Digital Leaders” program is designed for senior executives in the public service and aims to train change agents who will lead the digital transformation in the organizations in which they operate.
Pipes & Mechanisms - Designing and improving infrastructure, mechanisms and processes
Designing mechanisms, arrangements and working methods that promote digitization, including a digital welfare venture and the implementation program. The Digital Welfare Initiative helps the Ministry of Welfare to implement the digital strategy it has built in order to promote the social services under its responsibility, through an optimal connection between challenges related to policy and social treatment and digital processes and technologies of various kinds. The implementation plan for remote work in local authorities helps the authorities to understand the technological and organizational infrastructure for remote work, both for the authority’s employees and the residents, in carrying out operations through online services.